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where does pollution come from

April 6, 2021

where does pollution come from

by Admin

•. (2019, June 16). Sources of hazardous air pollutants include . Journal of thoracic disease, 8(1), E69-74. . Philip, S., Martin, R.V., van Donkelaar, A., Lo, J.W., Wang, Y., Chen, D., …, Macdonald, D.J. Facts about Sediment The Environmental Protection Agency lists sediment as the most common pollutant in rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs. Gasoline powered vehicles account for over 40% of human-made VOC emissions in Canada, including both combustion emissions and VOC evaporation from gas tanks and filling station spillage. Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, Biofuel burning emits black carbon and organic particulates. Where Does Water Pollution Come From? Primary sources cause particle pollution on their own. They include SO2, NOx, VOCs, particles, CO, toxics and metals. 98% of the litter in our oceans emanates from countries outside Europe and the United States. Ages 5-10. This can block blood flow to the heart and brain, and over time, lead to stroke or heart attack. By Puraka. HPB condition ratings. Plastic causing the pollution can range in size from big to microscopic. Microplastics—particles smaller than 5 millimeters—come from a number of sources. In contrast, the cost of low-carbon sources such as nuclear or renewables (with natural gas back-ups to deal with intermittency) are two or three times as much. Air pollution has been linked to numerous diseases including asthma, cancer, and heart disease, but while air pollution can negatively affect all of us, its damage is disproportionately felt by certain populations. However, the air also contains other gases, vapours and aerosols that humans incorporate when breathing and whose composition and concentration vary spatially. Some of these are physiologically inert. Once PM2.5 particles enter the bloodstream via the alveoli, they inflame and constrict blood vessels or dislodge fatty plaque, increasing blood pressure or creating clots. Health risks in Indiana from oil and gas air pollution. Millions of tonnes of rubbish enter the world's oceans each year. Different types of air pollution come from different sources, so the mix of pollutants found varies across the UK. Indianapolis air quality data attribution. The impact of PM2.5 on the human respiratory system. Due to the hydraulic fracturing revolution, the cost of a kWh of electricity from a combined cycle natural gas plant is about 5.5 cents per kWH in the United States. There is a growing awareness of the role of the transport sector in efforts aimed at achieving sustainable development. Where does Pollution Come From? That means, the average person loses about 2.2 years of life. (n.d.). https://www.eia.gov/international/data/world/electricity/electricity-generation. (2017). These four countries are ranked among the five most polluted countries in the world, accounting for 60 percent of the person-years that would be lost globally if these pollution levels persist. Household burning, such as the use of wood stoves and open fires, is the biggest contributor to Particulate Matter pollution. (2017). What can this book do for you? Gardening: Air-Cleaning House Plants to Purify Your Home - DIY Home, Home Gardening and Indoor Gardening can teach you to reduce and manage indoor air pollution. In India and Pakistan, the number of vehicles on the road has increased about four-fold since the early 2000s. Pollution from human-generated and natural sources is often created in one place and transported through the air. Calvin and his cat Mel start exploring the pollution problem after they see trash tossed on the highway froma passing car. Where Does Air Pollution Come From? Most water pollution is created from people doing everyday activities. How is my drinking water treated? So, although other risks such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or war have a larger impact among the affected, they affect far fewer people. and Suh, H. H. (1997). The AQLI establishes that particulate air pollution cuts the average person's life short by nearly 2 years—more than devastating communicable diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, behavioral killers like cigarette smoking, and even war. Where does outdoor air pollution come from? Approximately 15% of the electricity in Ontario is generated by burning coal, releasing large amounts of SO2. This is because they are inexpensive and their price does not take into account the costs of pollution and climate change—or what economists call “externalities.”. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(22), 13060-13068. This is a very general problem, and providing a general answer will of course leave out a lot of the specifics. Not only are fossil fuels cheap, they are also abundant. Unsafe water and sanitation take off 7 months. 3 - Marine dumping. If all areas not in compliance with the WHO PM2.5 guideline in 2019 were to permanently reduce their particulate pollution levels to meet the guideline, then, globally: Four countries that account for nearly a quarter of the world’s population are also among the most polluted: Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. First, because coal contains sulfur, coal-fired power plants and industrial facilities generate sulfur dioxide gas. For example, a kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy from a new coal plant that had all the environmental controls required in the United States would cost only about 8 cents. Posted by pugs at 8:03 AM. Global pollution exposure peaked in 2012. However, the air did not become cleaner in these countries by accident. Life expectancies are cut short for many reasons, including illnesses such as smoking, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS—some of the most deadly culprits. When the air is polluted with PM, these particles enter the respiratory system along with the oxygen that the body needs. They would gain an average of 1 year. Plastic bags and bottles released into the environment break down into smaller and smaller bits. During rain events, nonpoint sources of pollution can end up in water runoff . 510 million people, all in northern India would live at least 8.5 years longer on average. Wind, water and ice help carry these particles to rivers, lakes and streams. Where does air pollution come from? When we think about pollution sources, we tend to picture factories. They include SO2, NOx, VOCs, particles, and toxics. Though some particulates arise from natural sources such as dust, sea salt, and wildfires, most PM2.5 pollution is human-induced. The world is not going to run out anytime soon. Gibbens, S. (2018). A new study found nearly 42,000 potential sources of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pollution that could contaminate surface water or drinking water in the U.S. The key difference is that residents of polluted areas can do very little to avoid particulate pollution, since everyone breathes the air. If that year’s pollution levels had been sustained, average life expectancy would be 2.6 years shorter. What does the National Pollutant Inventory do? At that time, control measures were implemented, but the industrial development was so fast that wastewater treatment . On average, people in India would live 5.9 years longer if their country met the WHO guideline. The AQLI establishes that particulate air pollution cuts the average person's life short by nearly 2 years—more than devastating communicable diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, behavioral killers like cigarette smoking, and even war. Sediment can come from soil erosion or from the decomposition of plants and animals. The term "toxic" is used to differentiate it from pollution that comes from increased levels of carbon dioxide, which causes climate change but does not have direct health impacts. By Puraka. [5] Data USA. (2014). NOx is emitted from the combustion of fuel. Concern about debris . where does sediment pollution come from. where does pollution come from ? Approximately half of the VOCs found in Canada are from natural sources, such as trees. Natural things like volcanic eruptions, wildfires, wind currents, and trees can affect it. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Such important information should be a great influence for teachers to develop anti- pollution programs. This is partly because the majority of PM10 road transport pollution does not come from exhausts, but from brakes (50%) and tyres (10%). Pollution Facts Particulate air pollution is the single greatest threat to human health globally. [10] Statistical Year Book of India, 2017, Table 20.4; Pakistan Statistical Pocket Book, 2006, Table 17.5 and Pakistan Today, 2019; Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, 2020; US Energy Information Administration. POLLUTION PROBLEMS What I'm learning ? Water pollution is an ever growing problem in the world and while you might not be aware of it, it actually is a serious issue even in industrialized nations like the United States. Breaking down where air pollution is most potent and . PM10, particles with diameters smaller than 10 micrometers (μm) whose concentration in the air is included in measures of “total suspended matter” (TSP), are small enough to pass through the hairs in the nose. Registered vehicles in Pakistan increased by 9.6% in 2018. https://profit.pakistantoday.com.pk/2019/06/16/registered-vehicles-in-pakistan-increased-by-9-6-in-2018/. And, unlike air pollution that is highly localized, climate change doesn’t care where you live. Water pollution in China started in the 1950s with the development of industries and increased even more in the 1970s when rivers, lakes and ocean's pollution became alarming. Most of this air pollution we cause results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles. Recent research found that 88-95% of plastic in the ocean comes from just 10 rivers - none are in the UK or Europe. In Ghana, it ranks as the deadliest of threats, while in Cote d’Ivoire it is second to malaria and shaves 2 years off of life expectancy. But where exactly does all this plastic come from? The World Health Organisation paints a worrying picture: 90% of the world's population lives in places where air quality falls short of safety standards and 4.2m people died prematurely from ailments connected to air pollution in 2016.. In 2012, 3.7 million people died due to […] Some is a result of industrial activity but there are also sources of pollution that are not industrial, like cars, woodheaters and even lawn mowers. Fine Particulate Matter comes from a variety of sources, some of them natural, some of them not. Pollution in Australia comes from many different sources. For example, wood stoves and forest fires are primary sources. 2. City Traffic, Home Cooking Contribute Towards Air Pollution In China. non-OECD) countries are expected to consume more energy with time as they grow. Ling, S. H., and van Eeden, S. F. (2009). we also get floods from The AQLI shows that particulate air pollution cuts life expectancy shorter than all of these causes. A family reference work containing alphabetically arranged articles, with charts, maps, and photographs, covering physical and human geography. (2016). When they are burned, SO2 is released into the air. In contrast, it is possible to quit smoking and take precautions against diseases. This life expectancy loss makes particulate pollution more devastating than communicable diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, behavioral killers like cigarette smoking, and even war. The very next year, Premier Li Keqiang declared a “war against pollution.” The National Air Quality Action Plan set aside $270 billion and the Beijing city government set aside an additional $120 billion to reduce ambient air pollution. The most common potential pollution sources were solid waste landfills, wastewater treatment plants, oil refineries and electroplaters and metal finishers. Particle pollution, also known as particulate matter or PM, is a general term for a mixture of solid and liquid droplets suspended in the air. Transportation contributes over 65% of Ontario’s NOx emissions. Describes different kinds of pollution, discusses sources of smog, acid rain, and noise pollution, and stresses the importance of recycling Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control is the fourth edition of a best-selling introductory level book dealing with chemical and radioactive pollution in its broadest sense. Waste incineration produces a wide range of air toxics such as dioxins, furans and benzene. When . An article by Louisa Casson for Greenpeace UK explains that there are three main sources for ocean plastic pollution. Fossil fuels are today the cheapest form of energy, and energy is crucial to raising living standards through economic growth. Major emitters are metal smelters and battery manufacturers. As a species we chuck so much stuff into the atmosphere that there are arguably no pollution-free places left on Earth. While the rest of humanity is busy worrying about global warming, water pollution . And no story is complete without a setting, which is why it's so important to understand all the places plastics begin their unfortunate journeys to the ocean. The three largest sources of air pollution in Indonesia and Jakarta are vehicle emissions, coal-fired power plants, and forest/peatland fires. Iadecola, C. (2013). In Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, air pollution is the biggest threat in terms of its impact on life expectancy—shaving off more years than HIV/AIDS, unsafe water and sanitation and malaria. Developing and industrializing Asian countries are impacted the most by particulate pollution. Learn more about the impact policies around the world have had in reducing air pollution. Indianapolis, In. Sci. Today, fossil fuel combustion is the leading global source of anthropogenic PM2.5,[7] acting through three distinct pathways[8]: In addition to fossil fuel combustion, humans generate PM2.5 through the combustion of biofuels such as wood and crop residue for household cooking and heating. Air pollution is a stubborn problem. In addition, it may damage the brain’s white matter, which is what allows different regions of the brain to communicate. Where Does NOx Pollution Come From? Over the course of the last 20 years, industrialization, economic development, and population growth have led to skyrocketing energy demand in these countries. The burning of biomass—forests, savannah, and crop residue on fields—to clear land for agriculture is also a significant source of anthropogenic particulate pollution.[9]. Motor vehicles – Statistical year book India 2017. http://mospi.nic.in/statistical-year-book-india/2017/189. [3] White matter damage, such as due to the decreased blood flow that PM2.5 may cause, has been linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.[4]. Read on for a succinct primer on Particle Pollution, and a comparison between the usual sources, and where it comes from during times of smoke pollution from forest fires. There is no greater current risk to human health.”  – Michael Greenstone, India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. However, since the 36 million people affected by the disease is tiny compared to the 6.2 billion people breathing polluted air, the overall impact of air pollution is much greater. Xing, Y. F., Xu, Y. H., Shi, M. H., & Lian, Y. X. In Bangladesh, the number of motor vehicles has roughly tripled just from 2010 to 2020. Particulate matter (PM) air pollution, which is predominantly the result of fossil fuel combustion, is recognized as the most deadly form of air pollution globally. In Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan – the four South Asian countries that account for nearly a quarter of the global population and are among the world’s most polluted countries today – the average resident is exposed to particulate pollution levels that are 35 percent higher than in 2000. Where does water pollution in China come from? Volume 2 provides information on source monitoring methods, particle and gas control technology, transport and diffusion of air pollutants, as well as computational methods available for applying control techniques to air resource ... In Japan, a series of lawsuits and environmental protection laws that began in the 1960s have helped to reduce air pollution to levels similar to those in Europe. [1] The particles’ interactions with lung cells can also lead to inflammation, irritation, and blocked airflow, increasing the risk of or aggravating lung diseases that make breathing difficult, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), cystic lung disease, and bronchiectasis. [5] This increases the likelihood that the particles will end up inhaled by humans before depositing onto the ground. Result, it would be responsible for one in 8 deaths in the world. The biggest source of Sulphur Dioxide is from energy generation and industry, and . (2006). They lie in our oceans and cause irreparable harm. October 22, 2016. Secondary pollutants of concern (in addition to ozone) include sulphates and other fine particles (PM10). (2010). One of the biggest sources is called nonpoint source pollution, which occurs as a result of runoff. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a good indicator of how much fossil fuel is burned and how much of other pollutants are emitted as a result. From tiny microplastics to huge pieces of discarded fishing gear, plastic pollution is a serious issue and it affects us all. ), from Late Latin pollutionem (nominative pollutio) "defilement," noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin polluere "to soil, defile, contaminate," probably from * por-"before" (a variation of pro "before, for;" see . Have Countries Overcome The Particulate Pollution Problem? ; The first synthetic plastic — Bakelite — was produced in 1907, marking the beginning of the global plastics industry. Since life expectancy at birth is currently 71 years in India, this suggests that reducing particulate pollution to the WHO guideline throughout the country would raise the average life expectancy to about 77. These include all Singaporeans, 40 percent of Nepalis, 33.5 percent of Indians, 38 percent of Pakistanis, 38 percent of Chinese, 19 percent of Indonesians, 46 percent of Nigerians, 15 percent of Bangladeshis, and others in Bhutan, Peru, Malaysia, Bahrain, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. But there are no policies currently in place to restrict pollution from such sources, according to Gary Fuller of King's College London. In China and India, where there are much greater levels of pollution, bringing particulate concentrations down to the WHO guideline would increase average life expectancy by 2.6 and 5.9 years, respectively. [7] Saenz E. (2019, August 5). China met its target, reducing pollution at an unprecedented pace. Contributors unite from different perspectives and disciplines, ranging from agronomy and hydrology to economics. The resulting collection is an accessible but wide-ranging look at the modern food system. Beijing's latest smog alert has dragged on into the first week of 2017. Particulate matter air pollution exposure: role in the development and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We need to consider all of the effects of primary pollutants that we emit. This paper describes the country programs in general and reviews the work and results of key analysts who carried out these programs in the former Czechoslovakia, Egypt, India, Jordan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, and Zimbabwe. For example, unmitigated climate change will make the United States poorer and more unequal—with the poorest third of U.S. counties projected to sustain economic damages costing as much as 20% of their income if warming proceeds unabated, according to research from the Climate Impact Lab, a a first-of-its-kind multidisciplinary effort working to enhance understanding of the social and economic costs of climate change.[11]. The AQLI’s core finding is that sustained exposure to an additional 10 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) of PM2.5 reduces life expectancy by 0.98 years. There is about 55 years-worth of oil alone, more than a century of natural gas, and endless amounts of coal, while oil and gas companies will continue to innovate to find more. � ��MK�@����=������I��� C2I��ے�� Other major sources of particles include: CO results from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. Sometimes chemical reactions in the atmosphere change pollutants before they are deposited. 15 Feb, 2019. The book introduces several innovative approaches for soil remediation and risk assessment, including advances in phytoremediation and implementation of metabolomics in soil sciences. Wilson, W.E. In 2013, northern China experienced some of its highest pollution levels to that point, and public criticism reached new heights. But Jerri Henry, the drinking water program manager at Idaho's Department of Environmental Quality, says in Idaho only 5 to 10 percent of drinking water comes from rivers or lakes. Where Does Air Pollution Come From? At the same time, the United States and Europe have seen their particulate pollution decrease in the past decades. Nationwide, the majority of drinking water is what's called surface water. Around 1300, King Edward I of England decided that the punishment for anyone who burned coal in his kingdom would be death. Like all bottled water, spring water has to meet FDA guidelines. Mercury pollution - where does it come from? These conditions occur in car engines and fossil . Air pollution may come from industrial, commercial, mobile and domestic sources. Where does ocean pollution come from? Between 2013 and 2018, particulate pollution exposure declined by an average of 29 percent across the Chinese population. That’s because the combustion of the same fossil fuels that releases life-threatening air pollution also involves the release of greenhouse gases that increase the odds of disruptive climate change. But all recycled plastics have an origin story. Finally Calvin and Mel help kids discover how pollution can be controlled. New edition of introductory textbook, ideal for students taking a course on air pollution and global warming, whatever their background. In Ontario, the Smog Management Plan focuses on the reduction of NOx and VOCs to control ozone. As we drive our cars, take care of our homes and lawns, or work at our jobs, we may contribute to water pollution. Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States. In many developing countries, mostly in Asia and Africa, the story is not of an increase and decrease, but only a fairly consistent increase in particulate pollution between 1998 and 2019. Often without realizing it. Urban Climates is the first full synthesis of modern scientific and applied research on urban climates. The book begins with an outline of what constitutes an urban ecosystem. (2020). The majority of pollutants that make their way into the ocean come from human activities along the coastlines and far inland. Look out for answers on our #ScienceSaturday on social media or our Ask An Environmental Scientist blog. Today, the average American is exposed to particulate pollution levels that meet the WHO guideline, while the average Briton loses about a month of life due to particulate pollution exposure above the WHO guideline. Every year car exhausts, coal plants, forest fires and cow farts (seriously) wind up choking our atmosphere and heading the planet towards what we're gonna call Climate . VOCs are carbon chemicals that evaporate easily. Where Does Pollution Come From? Runoff flows into the oceans, taking fertilizer, chemicals, and pesticides with it. (2017). Particulate matter (PM) refers to solid and liquid particles – soot, smoke, dust, and others – that are suspended in the air. To put this in perspective, first-hand cigarette smoke leads to a reduction in global average life expectancy of about 1.9 years. Building on foundations established at earlier meetings, this volume examines the problem of Arctic air pollution in an integrated, multidisciplinary fashion, with contributions from leading authorities in chemistry, ecology, climatology ... Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the atmosphere by both industrial and residential sources. This means that Shanghai’s residents could expect to live 2.3 years longer if it permanently reduced concentrations to the WHO guideline. Nitrogen oxides form when oxygen and nitrogen from the air interact during a high-temperature combustion event. [10]  Crop burning, brick kilns, and other industrial activity also contribute to rising particulate pollution in the region. Once in the air, the gas may react with oxygen and then ammonia in the atmosphere to form sulfate particulates. Scientists and environmental managers break pollution into two categories: point source and nonpoint source pollution. Conflict and terrorism take off just 7 days. National Research Council. The first is routine space pursuits and the accidental breakup of objects in orbit. 15 Feb, 2019. When . Some areas of the world are impacted more than others. Similarly, in England, pollution has reduced since the passage of the Clean Air Act of 1956. In many parts of the world, biofuel combustion’s contribution to particulate pollution is comparable to that of fossil fuels. Both a practical guide and the story of a personal journey from helplessness to empowerment, Plastic-Free is a must-read for those concerned about the ongoing health and happiness of themselves, their children, and the planet. Average life expectancy across these four countries would be 5 years higher if pollution concentrations complied with the WHO guideline. Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the atmosphere by both industrial and residential sources. Why is the world projected to continue to rely so heavily on fossil fuels, even though we know they lead to air pollution and climate change? This book presents new research and findings related to environmental emissions, pollution, and future sustainability. Where does pollution come from? Pakistan Today. “Particulate air pollution shortens lives globally, even more than cigarettes. �� �8��'�I����f�q�;�nQ3I��b�Ta�m����Pvn'vO�5�Hz�BP��,F�R�\e6:S�W�9:Aax��$[Ӟ>��QKϯ25�=�/Z.� ���:ks۶���+$L�!Zr�>Ƞ'�ӤΣ�ӴUU�"+�� R~���w��NΝ;WD`�X,v�}���'�4��x��2�R�I�eT��T^W�=�����e)���ҲȒ'chȴdO���ϣI��DžL��qTȐ! In the United States, for example, air pollution has dropped by about 62% since the Clean Air Act was passed in 1970, and Americans are living 1.4 years longer because of it. Most of our current approaches to tackling the problem of global plastic pollution focus on very small-impact solutions (e.g plastic straw bans). The pathobiology of vascular dementia. The dual challenges of economic growth and environmental quality faced by places like Beijing and Delhi today are no different from those once confronted by London, England, Los Angeles, California, or Osaka, Japan—once respectively known as “the big smoke,” “the smog capital of the world,” and the “smoke capital”—during their periods of industrialization. Neuron, 80(4), 844-66. An additional 1 billion people would live at least 5 years longer on average. �܃�x�WRMS�(�L����,uD�A�gBg#�����l�'��d7N%��ȇ��P���q ���7���،��w�Q�e�6c�P���x�(���j�J������Ne��z��!T'�n��%�B�U�v���t֍�-�8�d������LUV� �r��C|i�l����K Some human activities add pollutants into the air. Those living in the country’s most polluted counties could expect to live up to one year longer if pollution met the WHO guideline. And without those environmental controls, the cost would be only about 3 cents per kWh. Image adapted from: JC Gellidon via Unsplash; CC0. Of particular health concern are emissions from diesel engines and cement plants because these particles are small enough to be inhaled directly into the lungs (PM10). To make sense of this global average trend, it is necessary to decompose it by region. The process of cooking produces a lot of odors. So, the impact of particulate pollution on life expectancy is comparable to that of smoking, almost three times that of alcohol and drug use and unsafe water, five times that of HIV/AIDS, and 114 times that of conflict and terrorism.[6]. An additional 3.9 billion people around the world are exposed to particulate pollution concentrations above the WHO guideline. At least, that's the finding in a very carefully conducted study by UT's David Adelman. HIV/AIDS cut lives short 4 months, and malaria, 3 months. Most ocean pollution begins on land Much of this runoff flows to the sea, carrying with it agricultural fertilizers and pesticides. For the ratio of natural to anthropogenic dust will vary from region to region, depending on its proximity to natural dust emitting sources and its industrial development and dust . It is estimated that 31% of Jakarta's air pollution comes from fires alone. Secondary sources let off gases that can form particles. Hospitals with As it turns out, that's wrong. Read on for a succinct primer on Particle Pollution, and a comparison between the usual sources, and where it comes from during times of smoke pollution from forest fires. In the United States, about a third of the population lives in areas not in compliance with the WHO guideline. The National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) is tracking pollution right across Australia by collecting data on 93 different toxic This book focuses on various cancer risk factors, covering numerous known, probable, and possible carcinogens; their role in carcinogenesis; mechanisms of carcinogenicity; and methods for detecting carcinogens. I was learning about pollution i learn t allot of stuff about this topic and i would like to do it again. January 30, 2017 ~ alyssadeville10024. Secondary pollutants are formed when primary pollutants are formed when primary pollutants react with each other and atmospheric elements. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/09/news-air-quality-brain-cognitive-function/?user.testname=none, Global Burden of Disease. Global Sources of Local Pollution: An Assessment of Long-Range Transport of Key Air Pollutants to and from the United States. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 47(12), 1238-1249. Rich in technical detail, this book will be of interest to all those engaged in air quality management: scientists, engineers, industrial managers, law makers, regulators, health officials, clean-air advocates, and concerned citizens.

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